The stylized pillar in the Pilates Place logo depicts the pillar of strength and amazing architectural design of the human body. The peaceful atmosphere in the studio creates a sense of empowerment for restoring and strengthening the core power of the body and mind. Pilates Place is dedicated to a professional standard of Pilates instruction. As a host site for STOTT™ instructor training, our customers benefit from the most current techniques for purposeful, effective exercise.

The Studio

The fully-equipped Studio opened in 2004 and features state-of-the-art STOTT PILATES™ equipment including professional Reformers, Cadillac, ladder barrel, stability chairs, and other Pilates accessories.  Workout on the STOTT PILATES V2 Max Plus Reformers. These unparalleled machines offer unlimited exercise possibilities!

About the Instructors

The distinction at Pilates Place is that all instructors are health professionals with training in the STOTT PILATES™ method.
ruthann maddocks 

RuthAnn Maddocks
RuthAnn is the owner of Pilates Place, a registered nurse and a fully certified STOTT instructor.  She is committed to offering high integrity Pilates programs and services. Her mission is to help others reach their potential by exercising holistic mind-body control.

  Judy Strosnider
Judy holds bachelor degrees in psychology and occupational therapy.  Her pilates certification is through Professional Health and Fitness Institute.  She specializes in providing rehabilitative exercise to clients.


About STOTT PILATES™ Instructor Training Programs and Education

All STOTT PILATES™ courses and workshops are taught by highly qualified STOTT ™ Instructor Trainers.  STOTT™ Education designs programs that empower instructors to motivate, challenge and retain clients long-term. Courses carefully detail the logic behind each exercise and routine then reinforce it through observation, practice teaching, and instructor feedback. The STOTT PILATES™ system is an anatomically-based approach to the original exercise method pioneered by Joseph Pilates. It incorporates modern exercise science and rehabilitation principles, eliminating contraindicated movements while emphasizing neutral alignment, core stability, and peripheral mobility.

At the conclusion of each course participants receive a “letter of completion” and relevant continuing education credits. STOTT™ certification is awarded upon successful completion of each course and a written and practical exam.

Please call for information on scheduled training courses and workshops.